Our mission

The objective of the association is to facilitate social change by creating a new coexistence agreement, where each individual is responsible for making their decisions, that no one decides for them, where free will is ensured, so that each being can live their own experience freely.

When a town has all the resources it needs and has empathy for its peers and members, when everyone is connected as in a small community, what affects one affects everyone. Therefore the abuses between them will be minimal to non-existent. With the premise of freedom and self-responsibility both individually and collectively.

We want a new society, where everything and everyone is included equally.

We want a society where each individual stops working out of obligation, but instead does it for the common good.

At the beginning there will be a lot of work, but as the pieces begin to be put in place, as well as the implementation of automated systems, then people will progressively start to have more free time, all under the concept that they help to the community doing what they do best.
To achieve this new society, we all have to get involved.

On the one hand, we want to create a social network, where associates selflessly exchange products and services, to promote collaboration between people.

On the other hand, it is necessary that people with good ideas to improve the lives of others, can carry them out, with the help of everyone, if they do not have the resources, because that effort that we all make will revert to our benefit.

People who have good ideas that make it possible for all of us to meet our needs so that we can use our time and effort to help others, are for whom the Projects section is designed.

The benefit for those who finance the project is itself the result of carrying out that project, so that they can enjoy the fruit of it.

The interested party receives help for their project and helps the community once the project is started, with the fruit of the same.

The financing will not be limited only to financial aid, but also to the provision of services that are necessary to carry out the project, in itself when everything is done in this second way, we can say that we have reached our social objective.

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